December musings...
The month of December embraces the energy and teaching of giving and receiving... and the promise of goodness and hope within you and in the world.
World traditions and myths... cultures and faiths... this lovely month...all focus on the light... and the
Divine... whether it be the Christ child... or the light of Spirit. December marks a cycle of time...a beautiful reminder for you to connect with your spiritual essence within... and be a light to the world...everyday... not just during the holiday season.
The spirit of the holiday and this holy time... is a wonderful metaphor for each one of us... as a woman... man...or child... to live from the heart... and love unconditionally... and without any hesitation...all living creatures... including Mother Earth.
Make a personal promise to yourself this month... as you surround yourself with the beauty and magic of this holiday season... to carry that spirit of light... with you each and every moment... for the rest of your days.
Make your life matter... and be a giver... instead of always needing to get. Be kind to yourself and to everyone you come in contact with. Stop judging yourself and other people... and CONNECT with their hearts... their inner light... instead.
Most of all share the love... the hope... the goodness... and beauty that life really is...not only during this most sacred of seasons... but everyday... BE the light.
Happy holidays and New Year to you,
The Winter Solstice...Hanukkah...Kwanzaa...New Year's Eve...New Year's Day...Three Kings Day
In Sweden...Christmas festivities begin on December 13th...with St.Lucia's Day... which celebrates the patron of light.
In Spain... Christmas festivities begin on December 8th... with a week long honoring of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
In Mexico... Families decorate their homes with lilies and evergreens...and cut intricate designs in brown
paper bags to make lanterns or farolitos.
The Christmas custom of hanging a green wreath on doors is from an ancient Roman New Year celebration. Romans exchanged evergreens and bay leaf with their neighbors for the energy of vitality... and would bend the evergreens into a ring and then hang them on their doors.
The now famous candy cane was first invented by the Germans...and was a straight stick.It wasn't until the 1920's that the red stripes were added by an American...and became mass produced for the holiday season.
Germany is also where the first decorated Christmas trees... gingerbread... and nutcrackers were born.
A Christmas greeting in Italian is Buon Natale!
*** Seasonal celebrations such as the one I have created for you... connect you to the changing seasons of the land ... to your own inner spirit ... and to the changes in your own life as a woman. My celebrations and simple ceremonies...also allow you to express through a safe and supportive space how you FEEL regarding a certain situation or life event...and what change or completion you really want for yourself. When you declare what change you want for yourself through meaningful celebrations... you are taking an action step... and setting new more positive directions for yourself.
These celebrations are for any woman of any faith... or age... but feel free to add your own personal faith into this celebration... to give it your personal meaning.
1 white candle...matches... fireproof candle open mind and heart
The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year... and was celebrated in ancient times with huge bonfires... in hopes that the light or Sun would soon return.
This Winter Solstice... take some time to do some soul searching... by sitting outside... gazing at the light of the stars... and asking your heart... how you can shine more of your light of spirit out into the world.
When you are complete with this process... say a simple prayer... asking for guidance to help you express more of your loving spirit to the world... and then give thanks.
Come back inside... and light your candle... a symbol of your own inner light and allow it to burn all night.
*** Be aware you must take the action steps for growth and change.
SUPPLIES... 1 white candle...matches... fireproof container...small bowl of honey... small piece of lemon
This New Year's Eve hold a special Blessing the Years End ceremony... both the positive and negative events that happened for you. The truth is... life is both sweet and sour... and is all part of your life journey... and personal growth... and needs to be blessed and acknowledged . Sometimes the most negative of events or obstacles... turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you... and ends up being such a gift and blessing in your life.
Light a candle and begin with a personal prayer...thanking the Higher Power ... for your life and everything that was placed on your path...and all the blessings you were given this year of 2013.
Think about all the wonderful things you were blessed with this year ... and then take a small taste of the honey...a symbol of all the sweetness in your life you received this year.
Now think about obstacles and perhaps negative things or events you had to face... and take a small bite from the lemon... a symbol of the sourness or bitter aspects you had to deal with this year.
When you are complete with this process...tasting the sweet and and sour that was part of your life this year... say a prayer of gratitude for all you have experienced and learned from in 2013.
SUPPLIES ... piece of pretty paper... envelope...pen
On New Years Day... get out a pretty piece of paper with an envelope... a pen...and create some quiet reflective time for yourself.
Now close your eyes... and imagine what WISHES you want for yourself this year... and list them on this piece of paper that is your WISH LIST for 2014.
When you are complete writing your wish list...say a blessing over it and make a heartfelt promise to yourself that you will be open to receiving your WISHES... and be willing to take the necessary action steps to make your wishes happen for yourself.
Fold your WISH list and place in the envelope... and keep it somewhere... that you can look at and read at all a gentle and lovely reminder that you deserve to have your WISHES come true!
Go on nature walks and pick up pine cones and seed pods... then place in bowls around your home... for a natural holiday look.
Food serving trays make great holiday display pieces. Just bring out a favorite tray... and place tree bulbs... pine cones and greenery in a nice pattern... and use as a center piece for your table.
Make an old fashioned pop corn garland for your tree this year...get the whole family involved... by having a pop corn garland making night... serving different flavors of pop corn of course... while you are making the popcorn garlands.
Place small vases and bowls of mistletoe throughout your home this month...instead of flowers.
Okay... I am not going to give you a holiday recipe...I am sure you have more than plenty of those already... instead... here is a very tasty addition to leftover night!!!
I have a thing about pickled food... and these peaches hit the spot for good cold!!
makes 14 peach halves
2 large cans of organic peach halves
3/4 cup cider vinegar
3/4 cup organic sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 to 1 teaspoon whole cloves
Reserve 1/2 of the syrup from the can of peaches. In a saucepan combine the syrup...vinegar...sugar...cinnamon and cloves.Boil for 5 minutes.Arrange the peaches in a flat casserole. Pour the hot mixture over the peaces and refrigerate overnight.
Serve with any leftovers.
Make a batch of holiday cookies... place them in a pretty box... topped with a bow... and give them to a total stranger.
Make a homemade gift... wrap it up... and give it to a homeless person... they deserve a Christmas present too.
Place a 20.00 bill in a holiday box...complete with a bow... and leave it somewhere in a shop... or other public place... for someone to find.