January musings... I always find myself looking backwards...and forwards in this new month of our calendar year. The simple truth is... January is a month to close doors... for what no longer serves me... and have the willingness to open new doors... so I can experience new beginnings.
In order for me to close doors...I have to reflect... on events and situations that didn't feel right to me...for who I am... and also see them as the gifts they all were... lessons and teachings for my growth and personal journey. I must also see that in order to flourish and evolve as a woman... I must not repeat the patterns or mistakes I made in the past year... but be open to changing myself... where needed.
This new year of 2014... finds me more at peace with myself... than I feel ... I have ever been... and I believe it is because I don't judge myself anymore for my mistakes... or my imperfections...as I once... not so very long ago did. My mistakes have made me the woman I am today... and I have learned that my imperfections... are indeed... a part of my uniqueness... not something negative or bad... or to be judged. And often... I have come to learn... my imperfections... are nothing more than what others expect from me... or project onto me... because of their own fears...not who I truly am.
Lessons this last year... have allowed me to open to another... personal truth... something I have struggled with my whole life. This shift... has given me a new sense of freedom... and wings have grown on my heart... that gently fly above all the inner conflict and striving I once did... to constantly " be" something or someone for others.Good grief... I exhausted myself trying to please people...learning that with some people... being "nice" just isn't real or authentic for me.
This year of 2014... I want to explore new aspects of myself... that I know... are just waiting for self discovery. Many things that will happen for me... and what I will experience this year... are unknown to me... but I do know this much... right now...as I type these words. I know that this new year... I feel more connected... to my inner spirit than ever before...to the land... and to the beauty and grace of authenticity... and simplicity.
I just want to be "me"...more... beating to my own drummer... imperfections...mistakes and all... loving myself just the way I am.
And this is a beautiful thing... authentic and real.
With love and the best year ever for you,
It is no longer good enough to cry peace, we must act peace, live peace, and live in peace.
Shenandoah proverb
JANUARY IS TRADITIONALLY ... a month of new beginnings or starting over... that includes all areas of your life. It is a month to organize...redo... and cleanse... in preparation for the new.
January 1...New Years...January 7th... East Orthodox Christmas celebrated in the Ukraine and elsewhere...January 20th...Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr... holiday...January 25th... Scottish poet Robbie Burns... born on this day in 1759... is honored by the eating of haggis and having bonfires.
The flowers for this month are the snowdrop and crocus.
The stones for this month are the garnet...and onyx.
... For your Home
Your home is indeed your castle... and personal sanctuary...and reflects how you feel about about yourself and life in general.
With that in mind... take good care of your home... both the inside and the outside... as well as create a beautiful and nurturing haven for yourself and those you care about.
This January... make your home at the top of your "I care list". Room by room... clean and organize... top to bottom... and let things go... that are cluttering that room...including any closets...cupboards...or cabinets.
Bless these items...and donate them to a charity... or Goodwill.
You do not have to have ... lots of extra money to decorate your home ... in a stylish and striking way.If your furniture is tired looking...buy new slipcovers for your couch or chairs... they are so affordable these days... and it will look like you have new furniture. Vintage stores... on-line and good old fashioned shops... offer so many beautiful and recycled items... you will be sure to find just the right decorating tip and items to bring home ... at a really great price.
Make a commitment to keep your home tidy and clean... an unclean home... just feels uncomfortable and negative... so make a plan on paper to keep it up... by doing a task each day...to keep your home clean and then stick to it. And please be sure to use organic cleaning products...or buy a book showing you how to make organic cleaning products yourself.
Fresh flowers... house plants... and beautiful art... will make your home soothing... beautiful and nurturing... so be sure to add these touches to each room in your house. Art... can be very inexpensive...if you know where to look for it. Try looking for art... that comes in poster form...at hobby stores...and flea markets. I buy pretty art postcards...when I travel or visit shops... and then have them framed... so I can have really nice pieces of art in my home...for very little cost.
...For your Hearth
I love eggs... and they do make for a very simple and satisfying meal... especially needed after the rich overly abundant fare of the holidays.
This recipe comes from a cookbook that I love...Homemade by Clodagh McKenna.
Serves 2
1/4 stick unsalted organic butter
4 large organic eggs
1/2 cup Gruyere cheese grated
1 teaspoon mustard
1 tablespoon heavy cream
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
Preheat your oven to 350.Grease 2 small ovenproof dishes with the butter and then crack 2 eggs into each one.
Place the grated cheese...in a small bowl and mix in the mustard and cream. Season with salt and pepper.Scoop the cheese mixture on top of the eggs and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
Serve with toasted bread.
You can test to see if an egg is fresh by dropping it into a bowl of cold water. If the egg stays at the bottom of the bowl...the egg is fresh.
... For your Heart
In this month of new beginnings... make a commitment to engage in life more... in life affirming ways.When you wake up in the morning... greet each day...for the gift that it truly is...and say a meaningful prayer of gratitude... that you are alive... and make a promise to yourself to live that day from your heart.
See the good in others... and the good in every situation or event that you experience that day... because there is a reason that everything happens or doesn't happen...even if you can't see it now.
Do one nice thing for yourself each day... and one nice thing for someone else too.
Live in present time... and honor who you are...mistakes and all.