Saturday, February 6, 2016



February holds the wonderful tradition of St.Valentine's Day...a celebration of love...and the giving of cards and gifts...especially flowers and those special people in your life...including YOU!

This month also offers you..the gift of practicing forgiveness...of self and others...and the opportunity to restore...mend...heal old and new wounds...and cleanse and purify all areas of your life.

When you "clear out" and purity your life on all create the space to begin live a life that will bring you more joy...fulfillment and personal peace. Because truth cannot create something new...without clearing out the old first.


St. Valentine's Day can be a sad holiday for family or friends that are alone. Please remember them by sending them a handwritten note or card...expressing to them how much they mean to you...and that they make a difference in your life.


Set out your best china...silver...and napkins for your family Valentine's celebration. Be sure to light beautiful and aromatic bee or soy wax candles...and place white and red flowers in  small vases placed  around the table. Prepare your family their favorite dinner...including a homemade chocolate cake...or other homemade chocolate delight.

During your special dinner...go around the table and express to each family member your love and gratitude for them. Apologize to them for any hurt feelings or actions on your part that have caused them conflict or emotional pain. Ask them to share their feelings with you and then LISTEN to them.

This is a wonderful and very healing tradition to share with your family at any time during the year...but is such a loving gift to give your family each Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to you,

Monday, February 1, 2016


February musings... This month finds me feeling refreshed...and bubbling with inner inspiration...after taking a much needed sabbatical in January. I think everyone... just needs to step away from "doing" and all those to do lists we think we need to do...and take care of tending to one's needs and soul care...whether for a day...a few hours...or however long you intuitively feel you need.

 I like to call my sabbaticals... my "soul" vacation.

Because that is exactly what I do...connect to my soul.

An act of self-love...that I practice...each acknowledge that I am more than a human being...I am also a spiritual a human experience. I find that when I give myself a spiritual renewal and cleansing vacation from the stress and chaos of today's world... my heart opens up even more when I feed it with beauty...meaning...and the sacredness of life. And my part or role in that sacredness.

Giving myself this time of deep reflection and the journey to my soul...allows me to "cleanse" any negative attachments that I have allowed in my life over the course of the previous year...and gives me the space to see what really matters. Investing my time in caring and nurturing my soul... and filling my plate each day...not with the drama of the world...but the offerings each day of the joy of embracing life with an open heart...changes me for the better...and gives me a more positive outlook on my life...and the world at large.

One thing I became really clear about last year...and gained even more insight on in the month of January is how very short life truly valuable each moment is...and how important it is for use my time wisely... and with my heart wide open. There is indeed some very scary issues in the world right now...and hate and anger seem to be rampant.., but that doesn't mean I have to consume my thoughts and time adding more fuel to this out of control fire. Rather...I am taking the high road...and focusing my time and energy on what I value...and choosing to be happy instead.

It would be easy for stay rattled...and live in a constant state of fear... because truth is... turning on the news...listening to the radio... and looking at social media...these days...can be quite shocking...with all the negative events occurring daily...and peoples negative attitudes. This does not mean I do not watch the news...because I do...but I know where and what mental compartment to put it in...and I do not dwell on it all day.Or sit and talk about it...or listen to others talking about gloom and doom either. I move on to better issues and tasks,,,that feed my soul. Like my creativity...growing my business Seasonal Living and Timeless Traditions...taking care of myself and my family...spending time in prayer and meditation...visiting my garden...reading something that helps my mind improve...feeding the birds and squirrels...listening to the rain...watching a young mother walk her small child...smiling at strangers...appreciating art and good music... feeling the wind on my face when I walk money to a homeless person...laughing...holding for and cooking a good know... tasks from my soul.

This yearly "soul" vacation keeps me on my path of living with intention...and rekindles my inner light on ways I can  live from that peaceful and lovely space... of my soul...more authentically...consistently and with a deeper commitment...each and every day.

This wonderful month of February ...give yourself a Valentine... one of giving yourself permission to pursue and embrace living from your heart. Take time to explore who you truly are...what matters to you...and how you can fill each day with more joy...personal fulfillment and happiness.

Your life matters...your creativity matters...your smile and goodness matters. Do not waste any more time on the gloom and doom of the world...make each moment count...and it will...when you live with your heart... wide open.


P.S. Scroll down...and you will find a celebration for you to begin your own process of "inner cleansing" you can allow more self-love into your heart.


White as an Indian Pipe

Red as a cardinal flower

Fabulous as a Moon at noon

February hour...

by Emily Dickinson


" I ask that I learn to love myself...for only then...can I truly love others."

WORLD TRADITIONS AND CELEBRATIONS FOR FEBRUARY... February 2nd...Ground Hog Day...February 2nd...Candlemas...February 8th...Chinese New Year...February 14th...Valentines Day...February 15th...Presidents Day

FACTS ABOUT VALENTINES DAY...The roots of Valentines Day goes back to ancient times...when the Romans paid honor to the Roman god of fertility. It was known as the Feast of Lupercalia.

VALENTINES DAY IN ITALY...In Italy a trendy and popular Valentine gift among the Italians is the Baci Perugina...which is a small chocolate...enclosed with a hazelnut.

VALENTINES DAY IN GREECE...Street shows...decorations and parties are held all over the Valentines Day is hugely popular.

FACTS ABOUT FEBRUARY...February comes from the Latin word februa...which means to "cleanse"...the month was named after the Roman Februalia which was a month- long festival of purification and atonement.

I LOVE YOU IN FRENCH...Je vous aime


FOLKLORE FOR FEBRUARY... " It is said that if the weather is fine and frosty at the close of January and the beginning of February...there is more Winter ahead...than behind".

GARDENING TIP...Be sure to clear away...dead or fallen branches in your yards this month. Look through seed catalogs and start planning your garden for Spring. Take care of your Winter garden...making sure it has enough water.

HOMEMAKING TIP ...Clean out your linen closet...donating any blankets or towels to a charity. Once cleaned small cedar blocks...or small muslin bags of dried Lavender...for natural pest control...and for a lovely... inviting scent each time you open your linen closet.

FULL MOON...February 22nd

FLOWERS...The violet and primrose are the flowers for February. The violet signifies loyalty and faithfulness...while the primrose let's someone know that you can't live without them.

GEMS...The amethyst is the beautiful gem for this month. The ancient Greeks believed that the stone protected wearers from drunkenness and enabled them to keep a balanced mindset.

TEACHINGS AND LESSONS OF FEBRUARY...Learning how to love yourself...and giving love to others.
Clearing out the old and unwanted from your life...releasing stagnant beliefs...and behavior. Preparing for the Spring cycle...including Spring cleaning.


One of the most challenging steps in your life can be learning how to love...respect...and accept yourself...warts...mistakes and all. The thing do need and deserve to love fact if you do will have quite a few hard lessons in this area...instead of the happy...rewarding experience that life offers each and every one of us.

Cleansing  and purging celebrations...are very they mark and declare you are wanting a more positive life experience...and also give you clarity on issues or new directions you may need or want for yourself. You must of course follow through with make the change you are seeking.

Below...I have written out for you...a very simple...but self-empowering celebration that you can hold for yourself...this month of February...traditionally...a month that symbolizes love.

SUPPLIES...small notebook or pieces of paper...pen...small fire proof container with a lid (an old saucepan with a lid is perfect)...matches

You will of course want to do this ceremony when you have quiet solitude...and have the time to take your this process. And please use fire safety.

Once you feel intuitively the day or evening to hold this celebration...get all your supplies together you can have a nice flow...and not have to go look for items once you start.

When you are ready...sit comfortably somewhere...and have your paper or notebook...and pen ready to use. Close your eyes and breath slowly for a few minutes...allowing your mind and body to relax with your breathing. Now ask yourself...honestly...because you do know the truthful answers...where you are not loving...respecting...or accepting  yourself. Write these truths on your paper or notebook now...and continue to list everything until you feel complete...and have honestly written out the ways you are not loving...respecting...or accepting yourself.

When you feel complete...take a few moments to look at what you have written...and allow any emotions to come this process can bring up feelings that you have long denied or buried deep inside you. You might also find yourself crying...please allow yourself to do so.

When you feel you are ready...say goodbye to your list...making a vow to yourself...that you want to learn to  love ...respect...and accept yourself from this moment on...and will do the inner work and action steps necessary to do so. Next... set fire to your paper with your lists...throw it into the fireproof container...and watch it burn...turning into ashes.

Spend a few moments reflecting on this celebration you have just completed...say a prayer or ask  for guidance...for your journey of learning how to love...respect...and accept yourself.

*** There are some really good books on learning how to love yourself...I encourage you to research and then purchase these valuable assist you.



House plants are a must in any matter what the size your home may be. Plants purity the air...and add such natural beauty to your space.This month...with the theme being one of cleaning out and purifying everything in your make way for the energy of the Spring cycle...purchase a few new house plants for your home...being sure that they will adapt with your lighting in your home.

And of course...add pretty flowers in each room...they will brighten up your home...and your spirit will be uplifted...each time you look at their beauty.

February is the ideal month to purge and eliminate unwanted energies...clutter...and anything that is keeping you stuck in your life...because truth is..."out with the with the new" rings so very accurate. Your home environment needs and deserves care and nurturing too...after all it is your sanctuary and safe haven for you and your loved ones. To clear out the old stuck energies...and renew the qualities of and peace in your home... I offer you as part of my services my HOME BLESSING e-course. A sweet and old-fashioned celebration that you and your family can hold together. To order my simple and easy to follow HOME BLESSING e-course...just go to my website or click on Seasonal Living And Timeless Traditions on my right side bar.


Who doesn't love chocolate? Who doesn't love something homemade with chocolate? Better still a very good ...and easy... chocolate candy that takes only a few minutes for you to make.

This makes for a very lovely Valentines gift be sure to make extra...and box up this candy using  pretty boxes...lined with wax paper...for gift giving.

Makes 2 1/2 pounds

1 pound good quality semi-sweet chocolate
8 ounces good quality white chocolate
12 ounces pistachio nuts...coarsely chopped
8 ounces coarsely chopped dried tart cherries

Melt the semi-sweet chocolate on top of the stove slowly.. on low flame...stirring constantly so it will not burn. In separate pan melt the white chocolate slowly and carefully...on low flame...stirring so it does not burn. Once melted...turn off flame...remove from heat...and stir in 1 cup of the chopped pistachios and 1 cup of the dried chopped cherries into the melted semi-sweet chocolate only.

Spread the melted chocolate mixture evenly onto a large cookie sheet...about 1/4 inch thick. Next...spoon dollops of the white chocolate mixture onto the semi-sweet chocolate mixture...then with the tip of a knife...swirl chocolates together for a marbled look. Sprinkle with the remaining chopped pistachios and chopped dried cherries.

Refrigerate bark for 1 hour...or until firm...then break bark into pieces...then store in tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 1 month...or package up for Valentines gifts.


Work on forgiving yourself. Work on letting go of control...and always having to be right. Begin each day with gratitude.

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