Sunday, April 20, 2014

APRIL 20th 2014


This Earth Day gather your family together and have an Earth Day circle... talking and sharing about the need of caring for our beautiful planet. Because the truth is...if you take care of the Earth and her are also taking care of yourself...and future generations.

After you and your family share your thoughts on taking care of the planet and your concerns about pollution etc. ask each family member to make a promise to themselves...and to the Earth...about one thing they can do each day to care for the environment...and have them write that down on a piece of paper you have provided.

Make each one... responsible for their written promise and hold them accountable... including yourself.

After you have your Earth circle... take the family for a walk around your neighborhood... and pick up any trash you might find... and take any items that could be recycled... and place in your recycling bins.

Earth Day is a perfect day to look into using natural organic products to clean and disinfect your home. Do your research... on essential oils and herbs... to clean with and for use of pest control inside and outside of your home...including pet areas. You will be amazed how easy...affordable and simple it is to make your own cleaning products... once you have the basic ingredients and supplies. fertilizers are are easily available please start using them on your lawns and flower beds instead of harmful...toxic chemicals...that are polluting our water systems and the land.

And of course it goes without saying to monitor how much gas you consume by constantly running errands and driving unnecessarily. Do all your errands in one one driving time...and resist the urge to drive without it having to be a necessary trip in your car.

Make or purchase handcrafted gifts for your family and friends... instead of buying all those products made in China...that end up in landfills.

Make a enlightened decision to STOP using paper plates ...plastic cups and plastic silverware. It is just wrong to use these...use your own china or at least use recycled... green picnic ware please.

Only buy local...fresh and organic season. Think before you buy those peaches grown and shipped from Chile etc.

If you want to redecorate your antique...flea or vintage stores...use Earth friendly paint...and put houseplants throughout your balance out toxins and have better air quality in your home.

Respect yourself...others...and all living things...and practice mindful living.

Love and happy Earth Day,

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