Friday, December 26, 2014

Celebrate New Year's Eve...December 2014

Anyone who follows my blog or knows me personally...knows how much I need and love nature...and all the gifts and blessings I believe humans receive from nature and the land.Frankly I get grumpy and out of balance when I am denied nature.

This New Year's Eve...keeping nature in mind...go for a quiet a local park and pick up a small fallen branch or two (make sure the branch you pick up has small branches...on it... as you will be using the small branches)...and bring your branch home.

Next...once your home...find a slender vase or basket...and place on the floor in your or den or even in your you will be able to view it each day. If you have some small twinkle lights...string these on your branch.

Now...using small tags or pieces of paper or cut cloth...write down your hopes and dreams for the New Year...and tie the written tags...paper or cut cloth on each small branch...blessing each hope and dream as you add it to the branch.

When you are done...sit before your hope and dream "tree" saying a prayer if you wish...or other personal message from your heart.

Keep this "tree of hopes and dreams" up until next New Year's Eve ...reading all your tags...and seeing how many of your hopes and dreams have come true.

Happy New Year 2015

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