August musings... This month is bringing such great change into my life...that feels so bittersweet... because my youngest daughter is leaving home for college. She will not be that far away...the trip is only an hour and a half tops...from our home...but to me it feels like a thousand miles my mom heart. If you are a parent you do know how very difficult it is...and how heavy your heart feels when your children leave home. did know that someday this would happen...but when it does actually feel frankly overwhelmed with this reality. I keep thinking " can I put the brakes on this... and just forget about it"? Or better still..."can she not go away to college"? The mom thing...can be so irrational and filled with inner turmoil...all of it fed by emotions you can't or will not even begin to understand.
It just is.
I am about to become what is known as an "empty nester". Doesn't that term even sound lonely? I feel like a label...has been imposed on me...ready for a trailer park somewhere...playing bingo...and drinking cocktails beginning at 10 am...with a bunch of other "empty nesters". Yikes! That vision scares me!
It is hard enough...often sad enough for me that my oldest daughter and grandson live an airplane flight away...which makes my heart hurt...I miss them so much. Now my soon to be "empty nester" mind is now going to bingo and trailer park mentality. I need to get a grip.
I hope this "empty nesting" change doesn't mean my husband will now have to take we can experience that special moment. That would be the ultimate this is "s..."crap...and my life is over now...for me.
Maybe I will just become a hippie...oh wait...I pretty much already am one. Or get a tattoo? Have one already... ear piercings...already have double pierced ears. Smoke? I already love to smoke cigars. Cats...nope. Travel the country in an RV...not even no... but hell no.
On the brighter side...I keep reminding myself...she is going to her first pick college... and the town where she will be living is really pretty neat...and she has a few friends going to the same she will already have folks she knows... to hang with. The college is close easy drive...for us to drive down and see her. She has made a vow to come home once a month...which believe me I will hold her to...or put her on the worst guilt trip ever... for the rest of her life!
It is her time to go out on her own...and spread her wings...and my wishes...and blessings go with goes without saying. Her being able to go to a great college...where she will be laying a solid foundation for her own future...and my husband and I being able to give her this part of my personal harvest this year...and I am so very grateful.
My cup is full.
This season in my life...right the cycle...of that bittersweet feeling that any parent knows and the years of parenting...watching over...and nurturing your children...come to a close...not completely...ever...just in a different way.
I trust that all will go well...very well...for my daughter...and for your children too. Our children are...our most priceless harvest...our wealth beyond measure...and I know you are as grateful as I am...for the gifts of being a parent.
Blessings always,
All that I have comes from my
I give myself over to this pot.
My thoughts are on the good,
the healing properties of this
My hands are balanced, I
season well!
I give myself over to this pot.
Life is being given to me.
I commit to sharing, I feed
I feed She Who Feeds Me.
I give myself over to this gift.
I adorn this table with food.
I invite lovers and friends to
come share.
I thank you for this gift.
All that I have comes from my
by Luisah Teish
August 1st...First harvest...August 5th...Workers Day in Iceland...August 15th...Independence India...August 25th...Women's Equality Day
FLOWERS FOR AUGUST... sunflower...marigold
GEMS FOR AUGUST...agate...onyx
TEACHINGS FOR AUGUST...This month marks the beginning of the harvest season...and is a month for you to ponder all aspects of your life that you can acknowledge appreciation for. August is also a month to honor all you have harvested thus far this year personally and professionally...including lessons that you learned.
FOLKLORE FOR AUGUST..."If the first week of August be warm...the winter will be white and
HOW TO SAY AUGUST IN OTHER LANGUAGES... In French...August is Aout...In Italian...August is Agosto
Many cultures call this month The Harvest month...or The Time of the Harvest.
For three weeks in Scotland... the world's largest art's festival is held in Edinburgh...Scotland's capital. This yearly tradition features classical and dance.
In Japan starting August 13th...and ending August 16th...The Obon or the Festival of Lanterns is held. This celebration is much like The Day of the Dead...which honors a family's departed relatives.
During The Oban special food is prepared to place on home altars and in temples... and as the sun goes down... paper lanterns are lit and hung in doorways so their ancestors spirits can find their way home.
Researching history can be great fun...and is such a wonderful tool for you to discover how your ancestors lived...their traditions and what their daily lives were like...and perhaps the struggles they encountered just gathering enough water to drink...and the long process of even preparing a simple meal.
This August marks the beginning of the harvest season...a time of harvesting the thanks for the harvest...and celebrating with special foods brought in from the fields.
Here is a great way for you and your family or friends to celebrate this harvest season. Assign each person a task of doing research on a particular subject...such did the the early pioneers celebrate the harvest season? What crops did they grow? What food did they prepare as a special treat for the harvest meal? Did they play music or dance that day? Also include as part of the research the customs or traditions of any particular country that you are a descendant from...including foods eaten or other traditions held during the harvest season.
Now for the fun part...after all the information is gathered from the research.Set a date in early August and plan a harvest dinner around the foods or recipes you have researched and gathered.Get everyone involved in the food preparation...including table decorations that have a theme of the harvest season.
After all the food is prepared...gather round the table and have everyone share what they learned and what they found out about what it was like during the harvest season in days gone by...including the traditions and customs held during that time period. This will be such a great experience for each one of you...learning the deeper meaning of the harvest season and how important it was for our ancestors well as a teaching format of history of your family ancestors. Open up the discussion also about the difficulties of living and surviving then..and how important the fields...crops and harvest season was...and how much we have today with our modern conveniences. This is such an insightful discussion...that hopefully will give each person present a deep appreciate for their food...and the many other blessings they have each day.
Set out pretty little bundles of wheat tied with gold ribbons...on a reminder of the harvest season.
Set out vases in each room...with this month's flowers...the sunflower or marigold.
The month of August is the time to harvest your home grown herbs...or purchase organic fresh ones...and make some really healthy and good dips.
Herb and Yogurt Dip
serves 4
1 cup strained plain yogurt
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
a pinch of salt
freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons fresh sage leaves...finely chopped
3 tablespoons fresh marjoram leaves...finely chopped
11/2 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
Mix together all ingredients and refrigerate...serve with baked potatoes...or with chips.
serves 4
3-4 fresh organic medium sized tomatoes...skinned
4 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
1 clove garlic crushed
5 fresh basil leaves
a pinch of salt
freshly ground pepper
Skin the tomatoes by dropping them into a pot of boiling water for a second or two.The skin can then be easily removed..
Chop the skinned tomatoes into very small pieces.Add the chopped chives...and the basil that you have torn into small pieces....followed by the seasoning. Put all the ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth...serve with veggies...chips...or to spread on sandwiches.
Make a Harvest shrine or little altar on a little space in one room of your home...where you can place little stones...where you have written with a paint pen...things you have harvested this year...both personally and a loving reminder for you to see each much you have to be thankful for.
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