August musings... This month is the beginning of the harvest season...on the land...but also the month for you to acknowledge your personal and professional harvest so far this year. A person's harvest can be many things...sometimes it is a goal completed...a new job...a move...or a simple...but big lesson learned...that can make you a better or happier person. My personal harvest this year so far...has been many things... but the one I am most grateful for,,, is the valuable lesson I finally learned...that I have not wanted to "see" and carried most of my adult life.
It took a series of a Summer events for me to finally face this fear.
Here is my story...sometimes filled with my sense of humor...but still very true.If my story helps you in any way face a fear you have...then I am glad to have helped.Sharing our stories...fears and issues makes us all human...and the knowledge that we are not alone...or nut cases.
This Summer season for me... has been full of taking care of mundane know those things that we all seem to put off...with our "I will do it tomorrow" attitude. I couldn't avoid putting things off any longer...I needed to focus...use well as delete things and activities that wasted my time.
Beginning in early June...I was on a get cracking and get things done... as I was determined to stick to my plan...and my timeline...of having all my tasks... home projects...and to do list done by the end of July.
Now...anyone who truly knows me ...knows I love home and garden projects...I have been a DIY person...long before it was the chic thing to do...which tells you how old I really am! So this is not out of the ordinary for me. But not the way I planned it this Summer...good was self-imposed race for time!
You see...this Summer I was scurrying around...taking care of endless tasks...packing up my daughter at college for her Summer break...unpacking her here at home... then of course packing her back up to return to college... countless trips to get that supply material...for painting projects... redoing a bathroom...seeing the dentist...having dental surgery...taking pictures and listing dozens and dozens of my vintage and antique items for my upcoming on-line shop Seasonal Home Goods...writing for hours and doing complete my new Seasonal Living e-course...taking care of my family and home.. cooking...laundry... running my business...tending to my garden...and yards...a light bulb went on in my head!
I had issues with time.
I was in fear...that because I am in my early 60' "time" was running out. How many suns and moons are left to do things that I want to do...long to do...before that final big blanket of "lights out".. Victoria...happens to meet the Great Spirit in the sky? small wonder I tried to fill each minute doing stuff...this I didn't have to think about "my time running out". I guess I figured...if I do all these tasks first...and do them all within about a 8 week period...then I can do all those other cool things...that I really want to do...because I will have the "time" that I completed all those tasks and necessary items...that sucked up all my time!
And now of course...because I spent all my time...dashing here and there...cramming 18 million things into a small window of time...because I was in fear I had not enough time... by the time I had successfully completed my very long task list...l was ...exhausted...stressed...and still worried and fearful about not enough time!
What had happened to all my time?
On top of all this...fearful... time thing... I was dealing with...and facing... some unexpected events were thrown into my fearful drama of time. As if I wasn't already a mess... I began watching the news...about all the horrible events in the world.... then my younger daughter was involved in a car accident... had to have an unexpected minor surgery... and my dear and close friend moved away...which made me even more fearful about time. My thoughts started going in the direction of "I really have no time at all...because the world is going to blow up any minute or... .I might not have any more time with my daughter...because she just had a car accident...and a health scare." Then my thoughts raced to the fact of this month...I have NO time at all left... with my good and close friend...because he... as of August 1st moved to another country with his spouse. My time with him was gone! All these events sucked me into... an endless fearful thought process of time.
I have I am sure...been dragging around my issue and fear of time my whole life. The Universe...has a way of teaching a person their lessons to overcome long rooted issues...when you are ready to receive them...face them...and hopefully release them.
My "time" had come for me to get over myself...and my life long fear of time...with events and circumstances...that forced me to dig deeply within myself and ponder this fear of mine.
How can I be whole...when I am so in fear of time? Or of anything?
Now...I am the type of person who really wants to grow...and evolve as a human being...and as a woman. Because I want to live with soul...with a deeper meaning of my life. I needed to fix this time issue. So I dug deep and pondered my beliefs about time...and yes my fear of it...and my constant obsession with trying to control time.
So I did.
I am aware I write this blog...that really there is no guarantee in life...of how much time we have to walk the Earth...or a guarantee of anything for that matter.
I must live in the the best I can...and be grateful for each and everyday that I am given. I do not have to cram 18 million to do list items in a 24 hour period...or a 8 week period. I can be mindful and wise about how I spend each day...and find joy and fulfillment even in doing the mundane. Because the mundane is part of life...for each and everyone of us...but it must be balanced with quiet too.
And creating the space...and special time to be with those you love.
You have "time" for it all. And so do I.
Above all else...please do not do what I did for many years...and that is living in fear about something or someone...that honestly you can't control. Life and events are going to take matter what you do or don't do stop fretting about it.
Value your life...your loved ones...your friends.And value the minutes...the hours...months and have with them.
Live in the present...allow love and beauty into your daily life...and make each moment this thing called life.
Close the door on people and old habits that do nothing but steal your time...bring you down...and make you fearful or worry.
Make your "time" meaningful...sacred...joyful...and fulfilling...and you will discover that you have the "time" for everything that truly is real and that matters...even the mundane tasks.
But remember... you can always save all those mundane tasks for another time!
Happy August to you,
Summer declines and roses
have grown rare
but cottage crofts are gay
with hollyhocks,
and in old garden walks
you breathe an air
fragrant pinks and August-smelling stocks.
by John Todhunter (1839-1916)
PRAYER... " I give blessings and thanks for all the growth and change I experienced this Summer season... my personal harvest has been good...I am grateful".
WORLD TRADITIONS AND CELEBRATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST...August 1st...First Harvest or Lammas...August 5th...Edinburgh Festival in Scotland...August 5th...International Forgiveness Day...Mid- August Autumn Festival is held in China...Taiwan and Vietnam in celebration of the harvest season... August 26th is Women's Equality Day
FACTS ABOUT AUGUST...August is named in honor of the first Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar (63 B.C.-A.D.14) who was the grandnephew of Julius Caesar
As August, so is February.
So many August fogs, so many Winter mists
GARDENING TIP...Plant your Fall season bulbs this month. Pull weeds...and start doing general clean-up in your yards where needed. Harvest herbs that are bring in and dry.
HOMEMAKING TIP...Start cleaning and putting away Summer toys...beach and pool towels...and Summer sport equipment. Clean out your refrigerator...letting go of expired foods. Pull out refrigerator...vacuum the floor...and also vacuum the coils and back of fridge. Mop the floor area behind refrigerator with pure Lemon essential oil. Allow to dry...then put refrigerator back in place...being sure you leave at least 2 inches from wall...when you move it allow air to circulate...behind the refrigerator.
FULL MOON...August 18th
FLOWERS...Are the gladiolus and poppy
GEMS...The gem for this month is the beautiful peridot
TEACHINGS...The month of the perfect month to reflect on how much you have grown... or changed during the Summer cycle...and to feel gratitude for these experiences.
Friendships...whether old or new...are very much a part of your personal harvest.This month to show thanks and appreciation for your friends...either make or purchase cards...that express to them how much they mean to you...and mail them out through the month.
This simple expression of a card...picked out just for them...will let each and every one of your friends...feel special and appreciated by you.
The mail person.. the folks who do your dry cleaning...your dentist and doctor...the sacker at the grocery store...and so many more people who do things of service for you each and everyday so deserve to be acknowledged by you. Give a few dollars... as a tip... to that person who sacks your groceries...stick a a big thank you in your out going mail your mail delivery person...take flowers into your dentist or doctors show how much you value all they do for you.
...For Your Home
Place fresh herbs such as rosemary...sage...and thyme in small vases throughout your home...they smell and look wonderful...and will be a gentle reminder of harvest season.
...For Your Hearth
I have a few really great pots and pans... roasting pans...and my beloved cast iron make really good food for my family. It doesn't take a lot of gadgets to cook great meals...just good ingredients and good cooking utensils. If you haven't tried cooking with cast iron...go get one...they are amazing and very affordable...and one skillet will last a lifetime if cared for properly.
Serves 4-6
4 tablespoons butter
4 large russet potatoes
shredded with a cheese grater and squeezed dry
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
6 eggs
1/2 cup whole milk
1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.Add the butter to the skillet and when bubbling add the potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Press the potatoes into the bottom of the pan. Cook for about 5 minutes.
In a mixing bowl...whisk the eggs and milk together. Pour the eggs over the potatoes...shaking the pan to help them penetrate to the bottom. Sprinkle liberally with the cheese.
Transfer the skillet to the oven and cook until just set...about 10 minutes. Serve immediately.
...For Your Heart
Buy some healthy canned food items...dried pasta...rice...oatmeal etc. and donate to the food pantry. It feels so good to help feed folks who are in need.
Start each morning with a prayer of gratitude for being alive.
I dearly loved reading your blog, Victoria, from beginning to end! I spent my work life (teaching/counseling) checking the time constantly in order to fit everything in! Now I try to take off the watch occasionally and just FLOW! Thank you for an enjoyable read! Renee Ramsey of your newest FB friends!
ReplyDeleteRenee...I appreciate your comment so very much. It is true isn't it that each one of us has similar issues in life...each person is willing to see them and feel them when the "time" is right in their life.This morning I just forgot about my many tasks and just sat for a bit watching the trees and noticing how the sun is beginning to is good when you stop and enjoy the beauty of it all. many hugs...Victoria