Tuesday, April 1, 2014


April musings...

It is always with deepest pleasure that I welcome April... as my wonderful daughter Aurora was born this month...in the wee hours of the morning.

I gave birth to her at home... in my bathroom actually... with the help of my mid-wife...my husband and my older daughter. I didn't choose this natural way of bringing forth new life into the world... because I had to... but because I wanted to... and because my soul asked me to do this. I know this might sound odd to you... but a soul does speak to a person... if you silent yourself to listen.

The month of April is a month of rebirth... and awakening to something bigger than yourself...that you have to still yourself to "listen" to.. for your guidance... direction...knowledge and wisdom... that only your soul...your heart...and the voice of The Higher Power... gently whispers to you.

That are your answers... for what you are seeking.

It seems to me... the more I seek... a meaningful life...a life of authenticity... that resonates with my inner core... the more I have come to understand that judging myself and others... is so wrong... if there is such a thing. Everyone seems to point fingers...or poke at... anything or anyone that doesn't fit into their way of doing things... or what they WANT.

I must admit... to be honest here... I do this too... but I have come to realize... it is because I am insecure in that moment... or fearful... instead of being connected to my heart.

As I move into my sixth decade here on this beautiful earth... I crave more and more... a peaceful life... harmony and a sense of meaning in my daily life. I want to strive to be "me" in the highest possible way... for myself... and to that whisper... that voice... that to me is the Creator of all things.

I am reminded each moment... to take that part of me... that trusted so deeply in my ability to birth my daughter without even an aspirin to dull the pain of childbirth... in my own bathroom ... in present time. To focus my energy on deeply trusting and having a faith that I am guided each living... breathing second... by a force... nudging me...forward... to what is right for me...and what is best for me.

I also understand... that not everyone will accept my choices...or support them...and although it would be great if they did... I do not expect it... or need approval from anyone...only my own.

Truth is...my inner voice... never fails me.

May this lovely month of April... be the perfect days and beautiful evenings... that you begin your journey of becoming still... of silent spaces to listen to your own voice... and reclaiming self- trust and growing your faith ... in something bigger than yourself...in whatever understanding that means to you.

You are stronger than you believe you are... more powerful...and so much more deserving... and you will find that knowledge when you still your mind and stand in silence.... and "listen" to the truth of your soul. Do not allow other people who judge you... or question what is right for you...keep you from your inner knowing... or your own answers for what you need or want to do. It is your life... honor that... and stand tall.

Work with the supportive energy and teachings of this month... to reclaim parts of you lost...hidden or just plain denied by you... and go within to seek your own truth...and rebirth your life.

Be the best you... on your own terms...guided by your own inner light... and re-create your life...from the "inside"  out. Not because you have to... but because you want to.

Just listen.

Blessings to you,


April 15th...Passover begins... April 18th...Good Friday...April 20th...Easter

April 15th there will be a Lunar eclipse...on April 29th there will be a Solar eclipse


The flower of April is the daisy... and the sweetpea

Gems for this month are the ruby...and garnet

The Romans called this month Aprilis...a time of unfolding leaves and flowers

In Victorian times the 1st Sunday in April was Daffodil Sunday... a day set aside to give sick patients handpicked daffodils at local hospitals.


There is something so nurturing about creating your own bath salts or oils...to use for your personal use or make as a gift to someone you care about. Below is a simple wonderfully scented Bath Salt with essential oils for you to enjoy.


1 cup epsom salt
8 drops pure honeysuckle oil
8 drops pure rose oil
4 drops patchouli oil

Blend all ingredients in a glass bowl...then either use right away in a hot bath...or place in a glass container with a lid for future use.



Use pure Lemon essential oil to clean off your counter tops in your kitchen and bathrooms...leaving these areas squeaky clean... and your whole house smelling like the lovely scent of citrus.

Clean all the windows in your home... using a natural and organic window cleaner...and dry off with recycled newspaper.

Be sure to clean and sweep your front and back porches... for an inviting and dirt free welcome to your home.

Clean your washing machine this month...by running it with hot water...with 1 quart white vinegar...on an EMPTY  cycle (no clothes or other items).

Make your own LAVENDER drier sheets...by purchasing muslin cotton bags...and filling them with dried Lavender... double tie the string to close the bag...and then throw these into the drier while drying clothes and towels. Your laundry... will smell like a lavender field!


Make your own herbal infused beverages this month...using lovely fresh organic herbs from your garden or local organic store...a real treat that you will love making and drinking too!


Wash off a handful (about 1 cup) of fresh rosemary leaves and stems.Place in a medium-size pan. Add water to cover and bring to a boil.Turn off heat....cover pan...and let mixture cool completely. Discard rosemary and strain liquid through a coffee filter...or even a paper towel. Make your favorite Lemonade recipe...adding the steeped rosemary water... a bit at a time.Serve with fresh lemon slices and small sprigs of fresh rosemary. Any leftover rosemary water can be stored in fridge for a few days. This rosemary water is strong so add to taste only.


The next time you want a real treat...or an easy dessert...just place fresh organic fruit into a bowl...that you have already cut or sliced and sprinkle just a bit of finely chopped organic rosemary on top... and serve. So very good...great as a healthy snack or as a company dessert too.


Begin each day... making a choice  to be  HAPPY.

Make a promise to yourself to stop JUDGING yourself and others.

Do deep breathing exercises each morning or evening... exhaling deeply negative thoughts or feelings...and inhale deeply... life affirming feelings and positive thoughts.

Plant a container garden...on your back porch...of herbs...tomatoes and lovely lettuce.

Bird watch.

Sit outside and feel the Sun.

Meditate or pray outside.

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