Wednesday, March 1, 2017


March musings... This month always makes me want to play hookie and play outside all my garden.. or taking walks...blowing bubbles...and just having fun. Call it Spring fever if you like...all I know is I cannot get enough of the sky...the Earth...and the gentle whisper of renewal that is in the air this lovely month of March.

My garden awaits me this month... calling to weed...rake pine needles...and then plant a few new Rose of them being a really pretty climbing Rose bush I bought for my hubby on Valentine's Day...a symbol of my love for keep growing...year after year.

Of course...there is my herb garden...which I tend to each they need constant watering and looking after. I use them almost daily in my cooking...and I love to add fresh Rosemary sprigs to my flower arrangements...and add to a bath to soak in. I am studying right now to become certified in medicinal I do spend hours each week in class and then preparing herbal mixtures...which my course demands as part of my study and homework.  I am loving this course so much...something I have wanted to do for many years...and am finally able to give myself.

There are still photos to take this month...of all my antiques I offer each Friday on my social media page...and with the light now brighter... in will make picture taking so much easier. on-line shop will get yet opening...if my photos turn out well...and the March light continues to shine through my windows.

My Seasonal Living e-course is almost complete... and I will continue writing and working on it's pages this month.  This has been a year long writing baby so to speak...and a project dear to my I am a firm believer in living by the changing seasons...for personal  well-being and balance.. as well as a wise... resourceful means of living....and I am so excited to share it with you. Look for it when it launches on my website this Summer.

I am really wanting March to be a month of creativity for you can see. I am in a wonderful season in my life...where I want to renew that spark within myself... of my creative self...more. Perhaps like you...there are certain things I have longed to do...from my heart...and soul...that I put on a back burner...or denied myself...because I was too busy raising kids...or raising myself for that matter...that I never allowed myself the space or time... to pursue goals or creative projects that my inner spirit kept nudging me to start....until now.

That my heart called me to do.

I am sharing with story...and my wonderful creative pursuits and yes dreams with you...that will fill my days this month... not only because I am excited...that I will be doing them...but because I also want to encourage give yourself permission to pursue your own dreams...your own goals...that you have pushed aside...or not allowed yourself to have or begin.

Life ...your meant to bring you joy...and happiness...and you have gifts and talents that no one else express not only for yourself...but to share to the world. Just begin creative step at a day at a time.

Renew your life this March...embrace your creative self...and shine your light.

Because you are worth it...your life is worth it.

And you are needed in the world!

To your renewal,


" The afternoon is bright
   with Spring in the air,
   A mild March afternoon
   With the breathy of April stirring,
    I am alone in the quiet patio
    Looking  for some old untrue illusion-
    Some shadow on the whiteness of the wall
    Some memory asleep
    On the stone rim of the fountain,
    Perhaps in the air
    The light swish of some trailing gown."

by  Antonio Machado

PRAYER..." I ask for the courage to open myself to renewal of my body...mind...and spirit."

WORLD TRADITIONS AND CELEBRATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF MONTH...March 1st...Ash Wednesday... March 3rd...World Day Of Prayer...March 8th...International Woman's Day... March 12th...Jewish Purim... March 17th...St. Patrick's Day...March 21st...Spring Equinox.

FACTS ABOUT MARCH... The month of March was named for the Roman god of war...because in ancient Rome this was the month to resume military campaigns that had been interrupted by Winter.

FOLKLORE ABOUT MARCH... So many misties in many frosties in May.

GARDENING TIPS FOR MARCH... Plant your potted trees and shrubs...and use a root starter after you plant help them not go into shock. Fertilize your lawns. Plant your Spring flowers and veggies. Mow...rake...and pull any weeds.

HOMEMAKING TIP...Spring clean your whole house. Clean out your kitchen cupboards...wiping them down with pure Lemon or Orange Essential oil...dry...and then put down new shelf paper.


FLOWERS FOR MARCH...The Daffodil is one of the flowers this month...and this pretty and sunny looking flower stands for unequaled love. The Jonquil is another flower for this month of is a symbol of affections well as being a flower expressing sympathy.

GEMS FOR MARCH... The lovely aquamarine

TEACHINGS...This is the month to make a promise to yourself to renew yourself in body...mind...and spirit...bringing more balance...harmony...and well-being into your daily life. Start your new goals and projects after the Spring Equinox.


It is so easy to get stressed...because it seems as if our daily lives are full of work...chores...tasks...dealing with grumpy people...and often feeling rushed...which all leaves us...feeling disconnected from our hearts...and  others.

Beginning March 1st...each and everyday... bless everyone you encounter...even on social media and the news. Yes...bless matter what your thoughts or judgments might be towards this person or persons...whether you like them or not...just say "I bless you." You do not have to say it out loud...a whisper will even do...or silently to yourself. It just matters that you "bless" them and mean it,

"I bless you"


The Spring Equinox is March 21st...The very first day of Spring. The Spring cycle is a time of deep life...and creating balance in your life.

With renewal of your spirit or heart...the most important gift you can give yourself...a few days before the Spring Equinox...ponder deeply...where you are out of balance living from your heart...or your inner spirit.

This Spring Equinox...celebrate living from your heart or spirit lighting a candle...closing your eyes...and ask your heart...what you can do to be a more positive...loving...and caring human being from this moment on. Just sit in silence for how ever long you feel is right...and be in your own energy...listening to your heart what you need to do.

When you are complete...gently open your eyes...say a blessing or express gratitude...for what message you received...and then write down what it is you must now practice in your daily life to live from your heart or spirit. Hold the piece of paper...and make a commitment over it to live your heart or spirit renewal each and everyday...and be open and notice the positive changes that will begin to happen in your life...because there will be.



Place a bowl of pretty moss as your centerpiece for your kitchen and dining room tables. It looks so pretty...and will represent the season of Spring perfectly.


Oh my goodness...if you have never eaten a slice of buttermilk pie...then you are in for a real treat! This recipe is so easy...and it makes 2 pies...which will go very quickly!

Makes 2 pies

Blend 1 3/4 sticks softened butter with 3 3/4 cups sugar and 1/2 cup flour. Add 6 eggs at room temperature...1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla and 1 cup buttermilk. Pour this blended mixture into 2 unbaked pie shells. Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes...or until set...and a knife comes out clean when inserted in the middle of the pie. Allow to cool completely.


The Easter Bunny...  knows that grown-up folks love to receive Easter Baskets be sure to get adult loved ones treats this Easter too. Tuck into a basket for them... . organic chocolates...candies...and other organic treats. Adding a nice soy hand lotion...or soap... or even a nice bottle of organic wine or beer is a nice and thoughtful addition to their Easter Basket.


  1. Congrats on your "baby"! I cant wait until your ebook comes out. Have a wonderful day my friend. Jackie Kay

  2. Jackie...You are the sweetest for leaving me a nice comment...thank you! Hopefully my Seasonal Living e-course will be out this Summer to has been a long...but delightful writing project. Hugs to you dear lady!

  3. March is going to be a wonderful month. Great post Victoria. Xoxo

    Barb from

    1. Barb...Thank you so much dear lady...yes it is going to be a very great and wonderful month! xxxx Victoria


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